Psycho-Kinesiology (3i1)
Trainings and Courses
Healing Emotions from the root

PK - Psycho - Kinesiology
Three in One Concepts


The 3in1-System deals with fundamental clearing of emotional stress.

This happens on all levels of our human being: Body - Mind - Soul and spirit. In this healing process it is possible, to make new choices in order to live a life according to the needs and dreams of your soul.

These courses are intensiv and touching. This course - series enables the participants in a didactical optimal way to experience and learn the multiple dimensions of applied kinesiology balancing way.

PK1: Tools of the Trade

Behavioural Barameter

In this Basic workshop of the psychological Kinesiology you learn basic procedure of a full kinesiological session including emotional stress defusion, with age recession. You learn how to use the phantastic Behaviour Barameter. to identify and defuse the actual stress and stress-patterns.

Behaviour Barometer * NEL and PEL * Age Recession * Future progression * How to use it for yourself * a.m.

Price:  240 EUR inkl. Material (in Berlin).

  • Next Course in BERLIN:

PK2: One Brain I

Using and enhancing the procedures of "Tools" we enhance our knowledge to defuse basic blockages. This is important to enhance Learning abilities in many aereas significantly.
* Digitals * Fixation* Cross-Patterns * Reading Perception * Defusion of stress with letters and numbers * Zungenbein * Tibetian energies * CIA * Reaktive Muscles. u.a.m

Price:  340 EU incl. Handbook.

Next Course in BERLIN:

PK3: Under the Code

In this course we use the One-Brain-Skills to defuse one of the most interesting aereas of human perception: the structure / Function - Signs of the body, especially of the face. This knowledge is based on the old science of physiognomie researched by Daniel Whiteside and his father.
This knowledge is very useful for communication issues to defuse emotional stress with past and present relationships.
In this course you will learn 22 of the post important physical signs that are pointing towards your inborn and conditioned behaviour patterns.

Even more: you can overcome judging the other person's individuality by recognizing, what specific gifts, qualities and potential is hidden in each of us that want to come out.

Price:  340 EUR incl. Handbook.

Next course in BERLIN:

PK4: Advanced One Brain

In this course deep seated imbalances in the psychic and physic level are identified and freed / balanced. A Must for professionel Practitioners of Kinesiology.

* The Behaviour on the body * the pause lock * Test and clearing or the adrenals * Disturbances of the digestive system / valves * Allergies & Sensitivities to food and substances * Bach flowers and the barometer * Maui-Essences * Clearing of genetic factors coming from father / mother * 8 Symbols * Chakras and healing stones * strengthening nutritions * disturbing nutritions * Riddler-Points * blocked cranials * Test and balancing / strengthening of the main chakras * Reactiv patterns and energies *a.m.m.

Price:  450 Euro inkl. Course manual.
       This course is part of the kinesiology training.

Next Course in BERLIN:

PK5: Louder than Words

This course deepens and enhances the material of Structure / Function you have learned in PK3 (Under The COde). In deep defusions we can enhance our communication skill significantly. Many defusions and lots of material to observe in other persons.

* 51 Structure-Functions - Patterns * Patterns of the midline * a.o.

Prerequisites:: PK3 (UTC) and PK4 (AOB)

Price:  450 Euro inkl. Handbook.

Next Course:

PK6: Structural Neurology

This course integrates the learned of the previous courses with new approaches building a round tool for effeciant and deep working with clients. New possibilities help to identify traumata spots on unconsious key levels of body and mind and to clear it with the balancing tools these courses.

* 15 Patterns of Pain Behaviours * Pain tapping * Arterio-venus energyflow to energize organs * Meridians and Acupuncturepoints * Five Elements * Application of pause lock during clearing of addictive behaviours * the big Right - Left - Polarityintegration* visuel motiviationcards * v.a.m.

Prerequisite: PK 4 (AOB)

Price:  450 EU incl. Handbook.

Next Course:

For these Courses PK1 - PK6 an Infopaper is availabe that can be ordered.

Disciplines in Kinesiology

Additional Infos

